Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 811

So…what is the Monday Poll?
Excellent question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007).
1. Are you naturally athletic?
Eh, I’d say I kinda am, but I’m no sports superstar. It really depends on what the assignment is! With endurance things that are solo (like running, walking or swimming) I do ok. I’m also alright at things that involve a lot of balance, like surfing. If there are fast moving objects flying through the air though, forget about it. Let’s just say you don’t want me on your volleyball team!
2. Something on your Christmas list?
I’d really like a rug for my living room.
3. If you have a pet, where’s your pet at this very moment?
Wait, let me check! Aww, Rosie-Pose is sleeping amongst Connor’s stuffies. Too cute.
4. Your current favorite easy snack?
The salted frozen edamame in pods from Trader Joe’s is easy, delicious and has protein. I’m also loving the Boom Chicka Pop Butter Popcorn in a bag. I fill up a bowl with the popcorn, add a small handful of cashews and dried fruit, and I’m so, so happy.
5. How’s your hair today?
It’s so cray! I washed it last night and haven’t had a chance to deal with it. Connor coughed all night long and so she’s home today. I thankfully was able to get her into an early morning appointment with her pediatrician, and I’m only just now sitting down at my desk to do some writing. Maybe I’ll wrestle with my hair after I finish the poll. Or maybe not, ha ha!
6. Something you need to get done?
I really need to sign a stack of paperwork that’s due soon. I should also wrap some Christmas presents! Oh, and comb my hair and brush my teeth and get out of my pajamas. LOL. Did I mention we got no sleep last night and had a bananas morning? Sigh.
7. Something you’re lovin’ these days?
Eating a breakfast that’s high in protein, and low in sugar and carbs. I started doing this a few weeks ago and now feel like a completely different person, in a good way, in the morning.
Have a wonderful rest of your day, sweet friend. I hope you’re healthy and happy and that you’re feeling the holiday spirit.
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,
P.S. Here are the questions to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. Talk to ya soon.
1. Are you naturally athletic?2. Something on your Christmas list?3. If you have a pet, where’s your pet at this very moment?4. Your current favorite easy snack?5. How’s your hair today?6. Something you need to get done?7. Something you’re lovin’ these days?

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