Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 796

I just remembered I need to go to Sephora this weekend! If Tabs were still around, he would have reminded me. He always had a reason to go to Sephora, always loved seeing himself in kitty modeling ads for the multitude of makeup and beauty products he sponsored… 🙂 Here’s a look back at one of our Sundays together, just me and Tabs talking about Sephora.
Someone struck the jackpot today! Guess who found a Sephora gift card he totally forgot about.

A happy tabby, that’s who.
Catnip-filled Sephora cat gift card…
Tabs got one for Christmas from his favorite pet assistant (*ahem*), but it must have gotten left in the card and packed away. Well he found it this morning, and after dancing around the living room and raising the roof for about 15 minutes of pure cat joy, he plopped down on the carpet and typed up his Sephora wish list.
Right at the top: Bumble & Bumble’s new fur oil. Because a cat’s coat is like a handshake, as you know, and a silky coat is how you make a good first impression.

Tabs has really been into a classic motif this week, so he went with a single red rose for his collar accessory…

The morning patrol was relatively uneventful (except for this bird who challenged Tabs to a dance battle), so he took the opportunity to strike a few poses for an impromptu kitty modeling photo session.

Bird-cat dance battle in 3-2-1…
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,

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